Sunday, November 13, 2011

isla vista house of prayer.

IVHOP. our wonderful sister annalisa morris aka AMO! is heading up this wonderful ministry serving the city of isla vista. so so amazing. monday nights is prayer and prophecy lead by none other than krissy wiley who is an amazing daughter of the kings and is engaged to one of the best men i know erik mason. so basically everything going on at ivhop is epic. go get prayer and prophecy, go pray for a city, go and just be overtaken by His love for you. pray!

IVHOP: Isla Vista House Of Prayer from Josh Morton on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

he is so good to us.

religion. we are tearing down the spirit of religion everywhere. it has no authority anywhere we go. but pure and undefiled religion is this, to love the orphans and widows. We are to love the orphans and widows. and its more than just the literal. orphans and widows. orphans are the ones who do not know their father. the widows are the ones who know not their bridegroom. let us be the generation to usher in a movement to introduce the orphans to their Father and the widows to their bridegroom. We are loved by our Father. Jesus is our bridegroom who lavishes us in love. we are not to just go on missions trips to visit people but also to pursue relationship so that the broken can know the Healer. we are to love the world as He does. He is so radical and the same spirit that wrote the bible and that was in and upon Jesus, is very much so in and upon me. Life. He breathes life. His spirit has rained down on me. He has brought this rain which has brought change, and the change has brought life, the life has brought love, the love brought about peace, and through His peace we find rest in Him. He is my rain, my change, my life, my love, my peace, and my rest. Jesus is my everything. lets go. lets get over ourselves and our insecurities. or not even get over them but get though them. the Healer wants to heal. we are secure in Him and in eachother. we must create a safe place. we need security to come alive. He has secured us and we are not only coming alive and being brought into this glory but we are being given life and life abundantly. Come on!!! lets love past ourselves. because in the end.. if we can prophecy, if we can speak in toungues, if we can get words of knowledge, and not love, then i dont want any part of it. we can do anything but we dont have love, its pointless. i want love. i want a movement deeply rooted in love. pure love. a love from a place that is not of ourselves but from the father. our unity is not found in agreement but in love. perfect unity is in love.
So This last season of life has been amazing. The Family Band recorded its first of many albums in september. i cannot believe that God gave us that opportunity! He is so good. So now what?...... now it is time to lean into our favor. what does that look like?... what does that mean?... to be completely honest, i dont really know....... sometimes it can be hard looking around. so i know to trust him with where we are now you know? i mean i see united pursuit band and brock human coming out with an amazing album, i see bethel coming out with an amazing album, i see ihop doing amazing things musically, i see gungor coming out with an amazing album, etc. and it feels like they are so much further along on this journey that us. and all i can do is just trust. that is the bottom line. our album doesnt have the best song writing or anything. it certainly isnt the most impressive musically, i mean its the same chords over and over again haha. but there is alot of glory on it. because the songs werent written out of anything but the presence. heaven is being released through these songs. and all i can do is trust that eventually we will be where those guys are. but we are just not despising the days of small beginnings. brae and i have recieved this word a few times, "you guys have the same annointing as brian and jenn johnson". and i recieve that in a way that might not be interpreted by everyone else. everyone might just be like oh wow ya totally they are gonna lead worship and its annointed and they will do this and that and whatever. but the way we recieve it is this,... they were forerunners for a worship movement at bethel. they are so amazing and are fathering and mothering a whole generation of worshipers at bethel that didn't necessarily used to be there. they foreran that whole movement up there. i mean have you heard jesus culture recordings from 5 or 6 years ago? its not anything that is super incredible other than the fact that it was super anointed. there was no bethel live albums being sold by the millions to the whole world. i mean brian and jen were around before all those people came to bethel. before the kim walkers and chris quilalas. before the jeremy riddles and the william matthews. before all of the amazing musicians and crazy anointed people were around. i wonder what it was like for them before they had an amazing community of world class musicians around everywhere. because that is our hearts cry for isla vista church. haha i would love to recieve an empartation from them. to recieve how to lead something way bigger than ourselves. i love isla vista. i love our family. jason and holly lomelino ( are the most amazing father and mother anyone could ask for. i mean we already have such a beautiful family. and now i hope to see this family attract an extreme move into the arts. paint and photoraphy and vidography and music. to birth a movement of worshipers. worshipers that express themselves in the way they were made to. and michelle quezada is coming back to lead worship after taking a season to learn how incredibly loved and important she is apart from leading worship. and she is exactly that. to loved and so important apart from leading worship. and now she know who she is and there is no stopping this daughter haha. im so pumped!! she carries the presence man! she is so so annointed its rediculous. im just kind of ranting about whats on my heart. its been an interesting transition coming out of making our first album. there is just so much more fire and more creativity wanting to be released and we just dont have the recources to release it all the way our hearts and minds envision it all. and it all is just trust. this whole season is about trusting God and leaning into His favor on our lives. knowing that we are in the perfect season for where we are now. it is so important to not look around and be discouraged at everyone elses success. i mean be soo for them! because they are amazing and wonderful and they have just been doing this stuff for alot longer. so its important to walk in honor and humility just coming under them and knowing that they have alot to offer us. we are just babies taking our first step on this wild journey. jesus sees success as union with god. i am so successful hahaha!He doesnt define success by selling a bunch of stuff and having a huge congregation or anthing. its all about knowing him. seeking first the kingdom.. and all else will be added unto you. i am in the perfect season and place in my life because im just obeying. i just wanted to open my heart to you guys to let you know whats going on in there. i dont want to stay a little undiscovered family in iv. i want the world to know of the wonderful things he is doing there! i want signs and wonders to break out and people to know God through them. i want to have an entire movement of worshipers constantly creating and constantly producing more things from out of IV. and i can't wait for the day when all of this is true. infact its already true in heaven haha so we are just waiting for heaven to manifest that on earth. and in the mean time..... strength is rising as we are waiting on Him. He is so good to us.

a lotta glory.

this worship set was the sunday after halloween weekend in isla vista. there was so much joy and celebration in the building. after worship there were so many testimonies of people getting healed and set free on the streets of iv throughout the weekend. Holy Spirit was so thick and the presence was just plowing everyone over haha. it is such an honor to be able to lead such a beautiful family into the throne room. thank you jesus for your presence. we want more and more! youre so good to us!

IVC Worship: October 30, 2011 from An Bui on Vimeo.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Live from The Upper Room.

here is the promo video for our first album ever coming out on 11.15.11
Mac Montgomery & The Family Band: Live from The Upper Room. enjoy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the loft sessions.

this preview is so amazing and is a radical sneak peak into what is happening creatively up in redding. it sound like it has alot of influence from the most recent benjamin dunn album circus of love. but bethel does an amazing job of being creative and puting a new twist on it and making it their own. and i love seeing jp bounce around on that bass drum in the back! killin it!! so so blessed by their music.

Bethel Music - Loft Sessions DVD (Extended Trailer) from Aaron Rich on Vimeo.

Friday, September 30, 2011

isla vista church- worship sept 25

here is the worship set from this last weekend at IVC. my wife and i are leading with An Bui on viola, Mikey Dinsmore on keys, Justin Huntsman on bass, and JP Gentilie on drums. so much glory!!

IVC Worship: September 28, 2011 from An Bui on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

your love never fails.

this song rocked me so hard the first time i heard it. i love the creativity for the video too though. its origionally sung by chris mcclarney and his version is just as amazing but has a more soulful feel to it. praise god for jesus culture. i mean people all over the place are digging wells in the spirit and jesus culture comes with a pipeline and metephorically speaking and broadcasts the well all over the world where as before it would only hydrate that local town or region. so enjoy!

Jesus Culture Music Video (Concept) from Aaron Rich on Vimeo.

here on earth.

Bryan and Katie Torwalt. this kingdom couple is amazing. i haven't met them yet but their album carries so much glory. there is so much truth in it and its the truth that sets us free! i mean heaven is yearning for this type of stuff to be released on earth because sons and daughters are realizing their identities by listening to it. its so good. get it!! the album is called "here on earth".

Friday, September 16, 2011

montgomery wedding teazer.

shot by the one and only Josh Morton of Self-Title Images. thanks for shooting the wedding! hope you enjoy!

Montgomery Wedding Preview from Josh Morton on Vimeo.

Monday, September 12, 2011

i'll fly away.

so we sing this song i'll fly away a little bit a church. there is a lyric that goes "when i die halleluja bye and bye i'll fly away". so we often think of this as when we die in the natural we will fly away you know? so trip out on this revelation about it! we are already dead... therefore we can already fly away in our spirit! i have been co-crucified with christ! i died with his death and i was raised in his resurection! i'm already dead. my soul is prospering. my spirit is soaring. the bible says that we are now seated in heavenly places in christ jesus. we are NOW seated.. trip out. im dead, and my spirit is soaring in heaven. boom. ill fly away oh glory!!

I'll Fly Away {worship} from on Vimeo.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


this was composed by our dear friend Tommy Murphy. aka Thomas of Naz aka T.Naz. for the simpletons who dont know what composing is, it means that he wrote out each note for each instrument. hectic. Hephzibah is from Isaiah and it mean "the lord delights in you".

"This composition has been the soundtrack to my journey and a melody that washes over me. Hephzibah speaks of the banner of love that God has over us. It also speaks of the delight i have found in a beautiful young woman named mary mcglasson." - Tommy Murphy

sueno tabernacle.

this week will be our second to last week meeting at the sueno location for family gatherings. here are some shots of what it is. come get blasted with us in a tent in the back yard at 6737 sueno. its good fun..

Thursday, September 8, 2011


from the makers of 'finger of god' and 'furious love' comes a new flick! gonna be so good. here is a sneak peak.. jesus come on youre so good.

Father Of Lights Official Teaser Trailer from Wanderlust Productions on Vimeo.

inheritance conference.

its coming! the conference that is going to kick off this school year for our family out in isla vista. we want to see more people come than we did last year. it is so amazing! just the presence and love flowing so heavy the entire weekend. Jacob Reeve will be teaching on inheritance and discipleship by example. basically encountering everything that is promised to the christian in the new covenant. it is $20 for the weekend and that includes meals and what not. contact jason lomelino for more information through isla vista church. it is well worth is because it will change your life! come get blasted with us out in IV! its Sept 24-25! hope to see you there!! here are some pictures from last years inheritance conference..

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

annalisa morris.

annalisa morris, a.k.a. AMO. she is one of the pillars in our family. such a spark plug and a joy to be around. she intimately and genuinely cares about people so much. she is so annointed to be a pastor and to shepard the family and to take care of us. she is one of the primary intercessors for isla vista church and we just love and honor amo and say "YOURE A CHAMPION!". she is also heading up the first House of Prayer in isla vista. so pray into that and come pray and worship at the new IVHOP! it is so monumental to see this city begin to come into a place of supernatural favor. pray for her and pray for the city because this is huge! we love you amo!

we want more.

the outpouring of heaven. the revolution. here is an old picture on the cover of time magazine during the jesus movement. we want to see the same recognition from the worlds eyes if not more then what they were seeing then. and here is a photo of justin huntsman praying over the city we have been called to. it seems so hectic and crazy to the natural eye. yet he sees gold. we choose to see the city the way god sees it. not hopeless. but quite the opposite. our hope is in the king of glory. we want more of heaven to be released. pray for iv. jesus loves iv.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


this song is insane. it will actually be on the upcoming album we will be recording at the end of this month. it is so powerful. ees ah goooood waan!

all i need is you.

so when i was sixteen i got saved. and right around then is when i started to listen to worship. and i am so thankful for these guys and this album because it pretty much defined the way that i learned to worship. just wild and free and passionate!! you know because i wasn't raised in the church or anything like that so i didnt know what it was "supposed" to look like. i got saved coming out of my third drug rehab and got kicked out of both my parents houses by the time i was sixteen. and god came in, straight delivered me from everything, and said i have called you and annointed you. he told me he loved me. that was revolutionary for me. his presence just overcame my whole body and was undone for hours. and ive been walking in his love and presence ever since. anyways that is a very on long story short. but this song really taught me to worship in full abandonment. hope youre as blessed as i have been by them over the years.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


my friend justin and i were working at a tradeshow in long beach called inspiration. we were working with the gato heroi guys helping them out for the weekend. it was a vintage clothing and surf tradeshow and everyone in the industry was there, and gabe sullivan, who to any kid growing up surfing knows who curious gabe is, asked me for an interview. so check it out!